Don't blame the breed!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007


My cousins Pit bull ashes, when she was a puppy.

Me and my baby Lexii, when she was a pup.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Don't Ban the Breed

I don’t believe they should band the Pit bull breed, or have increase the home owners insurance if someone owns a Pit bull. What they should do instead is screen the people who are buying them. I know this would become a hassle for people who want to buy these dogs, but it's much safer for everyone, including the animals themselves. I would have had no problem being screened before I got my Pit bull, because I wasn’t going to fight her or train her to be aggressive. This way we can get rid of the people who are giving these dogs such bad reputations.
Have you ever watched animal planet and seen an episode of Animal Cops? Well on almost every episode, they get a report of someone who is fighting Pit bulls. When they go to the house to seize the dogs, the Pit bulls are all in horrible conditions, and have become very aggressive. They have no choice but to put these dogs down. People who train dogs to fight, should not be allowed to have them in the first place. It’s not fair to train an animal to kill another, or to have to kill the animal itself because it has become to aggressive to be a pet. I don’t even understand how someone can watch one dog kill another and enjoy it.
A lot of the people looking to get Pit bulls aren’t looking to fight them. They want these dogs because they are very intelligent and loyal animals. That’s why I don’t believe we should ban the breed altogether. I believe they are salvageable, as long as they are in the hands of the right people. There should be a simple procedure, like the adoption process when you adopt an animal from a shelter, that assures that the dog is going into the right hands. Also there should be follow ups done every couple of years to make sure the dog still has a good temperament and has not been trained to fight or be aggressive. If people are caught with aggressive or fighting Pit bulls they should be arrested, because they trained the dogs to be deadly weapons. This would make people less likely to want to get Pit bulls for the wrong reasons. This way they would have no reason to ban the breed.
I know all Pit bull owners, or lovers, probably hate me for suggesting this, but I just don’t want to see such an amazing breed go away. The only dogs I will ever get for the rest of my life are Pit bulls. I don’t want to have to pay an increased home owners insurance or not be able to get one if they ban the breed altogether. I’m just suggesting a better option, so people who love and care for this breed can continue to love and care for them!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

In my experience...

Being the owner of a pit bull myself, I am aware of the dangers that come along with these dogs. I don't believe that the dogs themselves are bad, it's the people who buy them for the wrong reasons that are the ones to blame for there dangerous tendencies. These dogs are extremely loyal and intelligent animals. They make great pets and companions, but you have to train them in the right manner.
These are dogs that need an extreme amount of attention to form loving bonds, and loving tendencies. From day one of getting my dog, Lexii, I spent all my time with her. She basically went everywhere that I did. I also spent an hour each day trying to train her to do all sorts of tricks. I learned this style of caring and training from my cousin, who had bought a blue nose pit bull a couple years before. I saw how great her dog was; it was obedient, friendly, and extremely intelligent. This is when i fell in love with the breed. So I copied my cousins techniques and they ended up working great for my dog.
Lexii started out as a very hyper puppy. Her teething stage was difficult because she had the tendency to bite and not let go, but all puppies go through this. To break her out of this habit, I bought this spray for dogs (the name has escaped me) that has a sour apple flavor. The dogs really don't like the taste, so you spray it on your hand, or a very tiny bit in there mouth if you want them to stop biting. This helped tremendously.
After working with her one hour a day, she can do a complete list of tricks. Sit, lay down, fetch, play dead, roll over, pick up the ball, back up, etc. These are all words she understands and reacts to. She is a very loyal dog with an amazing temperament. She has never bitten anyone, even while playing. She is not possessive over her food or toys, she is just a very loving dog. The key to getting these results in a pit bull is spending a lot of time with them, and taking the time to really train them. You can't neglect these dogs, otherwise they will become aggressive. I understand that the dogs were originally bred as fighting dogs, but your dog doesn't have to turn out that way if you put the time and caring into raising them. It's not the dog that's bad, it's the people who breed them as fighting dogs, and to be aggressive that are giving this breed a bad rep.